Special Forces vet Jake Tyler may be retired from the military, but still finds himself operating in some of the most volatile hotspots around the globe, taking on warlords and cartels, predators and syndicates. Home and heart is in Costa Rica, friends and associates are a brotherhood. Action and suspense, exotic locations, darkness and light...hope and the human spirit is always on the line. Jake Tyler is on it.



Dig to the Death

Jake Tyler has decided what comes next in his life, and his newest mission seems to fall right into place. After a series of grueling and gut-wrenching ops, he is more than ready for some restorative respite, ready to embrace a joy that has eluded him over his hardened years as a military operative. But, as with most things in his realm, it doesn’t happen as he expects. A life-affirming event is nearly shattered by the deadly demons from his past and puts him back on the defensive just as he is preparing to enjoy his new bliss and step up to the rewarding work of military veteran rehabilitation in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Jake Tyler is back.

For added enjoyment while reading, be sure to check out the GALLERY for music soundtrack and book images!

From Amazon 5-Star Reviews

"As far as plot and story goes, MAN. This baby is action packed adventure! Do I like this book? I DIG IT! "


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Under a Hard Blue Sky

Another daunting mission, just two weeks after the life-altering one in Colombia, South America—this, in one of the most remote and hostile regions of the Congo, faced with heart-wrenching dilemmas, battling the most egregious predators imaginable in the shadow of the spear. Hope and the human spirit is on the line.

From Amazon 5-Star Reviews

"Could not put it down. I read to relax...this book kept me up at night! Amazing and utterly unforgettable."

"Breathtaking adventure! I loved it! As a big fan of In The Dark of the Sun, I've been waiting for the next Jake Tyler book. It's here and does not disappoint! Written in language as beautiful as the region it describes, the fast-moving plot takes you through the natural beauty and perils, the cruelty and compassion, the heartbreak and joy that is the Congo. Every detail is carefully researched. The descriptions are simply exquisite. As I raced through the book, my constant thought was that this really, really needs to be made into a movie. Buckle your seat belt, prepare for adventure and shock and awe, much of which you won't see coming!"

"Non-stop Action! I really enjoyed this book. The descriptions truly transported me to Africa. The action sequences were very well written and the authors obviously did a huge amount of research to get it just right. Can't wait for the next one!"

"Holy Motivational Whales, were my expectations surpassed! I love good action stories, and this book has that in spades. From over-the-top based on real-life survival story situations, to gritty conflict where you're unsure if the protagonist is going to make it, Martin and Hawke tell a story that captures your imagination, ties it down, and beats it into submission. Dancin' with ants in my pants for book 3!"

"Yeeesssss...Really beautifully done. Helluva rollercoaster!"


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Listen to Hawke's Reading from the Book

  • Hawke Reading In the Dark of the Sun
  • Hawke Reading Under a Hard Blue Sky

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Hardcover, Trade Paperback, and eBook

In the Dark of the Sun

Special Forces veteran Jake Tyler operates in the most dangerous places on the planet, working the shadow wars. This time, in the all-but-forgotten jungles of Colombia, it gets complicated when an unexpected love interest and a betrayal by his best friend puts him in the cross-hairs of a powerful cartel. In a race to outrun the U.S. and Colombian military through hundreds of miles of jungle, Tyler is on the most out of control mission of his life—and now, it's personal.

From Amazon 5-Star Reviews

"A ripping good thriller packed with all the elements that keep you turning the pages. It is both visual and visceral and you will be utterly transported to the places, riveted by the action, and enraptured with the characters."

"I stayed up late several nights just because I couldn't put it down."

"One of the most exceptional books I have ever read...I read it the first time going full-throttle; then I had to read it again because it was just so damn good."

"I could not stop reading this book. It is so well written and the story is amazing, well thought out to the last detail. When I finished, I just turned back to page one and started reading it all over again, it is that good. This book will not only get your adrenaline flowing, but it will also make you laugh, and at times, cry. I highly recommend it to ANYONE, even if action adventure is not your normal read, there is something for everybody in this book."

Mykel Hawke's Jake Tyler In the Dark of the Sun Under a Hard Blue Sky Dig to the Death
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